Thursday, July 27, 2006
Unpleasant Day
Today is pretty unpleasant day for me... sort of unlucky... fromt he start of the day...
as usual.. i woken up by my mobile phone alarm...
and as usual.. I go back to sleep for another 3-5 minute..
but not as usual.. when I open my eyes.. and I found out it is already 10.30am....
wat the hell??? why you are doing this to me???
Well.. I get changed as quick as possibble... shower etc..
and i get out fromt the house at 10.42am..
And another unpleasant thing is... the f**king bus drove pass me and din stop 4 me...
errr. i hate the bus driver..
then i waited for another 5-7 minute for the next bus.. i get on.. and the reached monorial at about 11am.. and..... dun wanna talk about it...
And another is.. at work.. which i dun wanna talk about it here now...
now.. still unhappy.. blue ... or whatever u call it... I just wish to walk out and get some fresh air cos is so suffocating here.. anyone can help me???
Please .... who can make me feel better..
as usual.. i woken up by my mobile phone alarm...
and as usual.. I go back to sleep for another 3-5 minute..
but not as usual.. when I open my eyes.. and I found out it is already 10.30am....
wat the hell??? why you are doing this to me???
Well.. I get changed as quick as possibble... shower etc..
and i get out fromt the house at 10.42am..
And another unpleasant thing is... the f**king bus drove pass me and din stop 4 me...
errr. i hate the bus driver..
then i waited for another 5-7 minute for the next bus.. i get on.. and the reached monorial at about 11am.. and..... dun wanna talk about it...
And another is.. at work.. which i dun wanna talk about it here now...
now.. still unhappy.. blue ... or whatever u call it... I just wish to walk out and get some fresh air cos is so suffocating here.. anyone can help me???
Please .... who can make me feel better..
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Day Off or Not??
Since today is my day off... What do I do?? Well the conclusion is I better move my things out of my soon expired.. room... So is sort of busy moving my stuff... After that i go to swim for the last time at the condo.. I hope i will find a nice room for myself... god please help me... haha... anyway, before that i was at carlson's home helping him to clean the dog as his dog.. "Carry" was stink... ( I wonder if Carry enjoyed me washing her?) Carry was quite active and jumpy.... Well.. while moving my stuff... it was quite exciting.. cos i have my mattress in the back passengger seat... and I guess i might against the law by blocking the view in the car.. so in order to avoid spending money$$ on paying fine.. I tried to avoid from the sight of the police.... haha..
After moving my stuff... Carlson and me go to RED BOX KTV.... I have a free head charge voucher and a RM10 discount voucher which save us.. RM40++.. The food there is so so .. but heaps of food for everyone... I was there from 6++pm till 1.30am... was very tired... z z z z z z
After moving my stuff... Carlson and me go to RED BOX KTV.... I have a free head charge voucher and a RM10 discount voucher which save us.. RM40++.. The food there is so so .. but heaps of food for everyone... I was there from 6++pm till 1.30am... was very tired... z z z z z z
Monday, July 24, 2006
Work Out, Work and Move
So... nothing special going on... been busy busy...
Malaysia Mega SALE period.. so so so busy... why why why???
Busy life is not only work work work.. of course .. other personal question.. problem.. stress....
Lately, i walk walk walk around low yat, sungai wang, lot 10, times square for my SALES' QUEST... so guys.. u will see me around these area quite often... I just found out when go out doing sales, many thing could happen..... these are few of the funny 1:
1. As usual, many ppl who run shop in this area say that i look very very very like the 2006 Malaysian Superstar winner Johnson Wong 黄俊源。。。。How could I look like him?? Of course he look like me ma.. (just kiddin) Well.. guess how i answer? I say.. oh.. I know.. many ppl been telling me.. Thanks.. Anyway.. I couldnt be him.. i wont be working as a sales if i am him.. haha..
2. Girls and some guys flirting with me, Girls who running the shop or in the shop for i dun know why.. flirting with me.. "leng zai, bla bla bla...." and those eyes... "can i know u?" " can i call you?" There is a girl who i dun know who send me sms.. and i was like...." errrr.... who are you???" she is like "you are the guy who pass name card ma.. in times square leh.."... =.=....
and even guys.... say wanna be my friend.....oh my god..
3. Some auntie whop treat salesman if the saleman have SARS.. when u go toward them... they are like... back off.... errrr...
Now another problem.. as i have said.. i am gaining weight.. recently, i bought a trial package from Fitness First for 1 month..RM25.......... so I go work out almost everyday... Try hard to get a perfect body that i wanted..... Is hard to keep working out... I went to Maxis Tower Fitness First... which i thought is cool..until i drop by.... and i dun think it is nice.. anyway.. i guess i would prefre california fitness.. so i might join that later....
Moving... This month is the last month i will rent my room in Melati Utama... so i gonna move soon.. Now still looking for room near LRT and hope you guys will help up....
Love ya all
Malaysia Mega SALE period.. so so so busy... why why why???
Busy life is not only work work work.. of course .. other personal question.. problem.. stress....
Lately, i walk walk walk around low yat, sungai wang, lot 10, times square for my SALES' QUEST... so guys.. u will see me around these area quite often... I just found out when go out doing sales, many thing could happen..... these are few of the funny 1:
1. As usual, many ppl who run shop in this area say that i look very very very like the 2006 Malaysian Superstar winner Johnson Wong 黄俊源。。。。How could I look like him?? Of course he look like me ma.. (just kiddin) Well.. guess how i answer? I say.. oh.. I know.. many ppl been telling me.. Thanks.. Anyway.. I couldnt be him.. i wont be working as a sales if i am him.. haha..
2. Girls and some guys flirting with me, Girls who running the shop or in the shop for i dun know why.. flirting with me.. "leng zai, bla bla bla...." and those eyes... "can i know u?" " can i call you?" There is a girl who i dun know who send me sms.. and i was like...." errrr.... who are you???" she is like "you are the guy who pass name card ma.. in times square leh.."... =.=....
and even guys.... say wanna be my friend.....oh my god..
3. Some auntie whop treat salesman if the saleman have SARS.. when u go toward them... they are like... back off.... errrr...
Now another problem.. as i have said.. i am gaining weight.. recently, i bought a trial package from Fitness First for 1 month..RM25.......... so I go work out almost everyday... Try hard to get a perfect body that i wanted..... Is hard to keep working out... I went to Maxis Tower Fitness First... which i thought is cool..until i drop by.... and i dun think it is nice.. anyway.. i guess i would prefre california fitness.. so i might join that later....
Moving... This month is the last month i will rent my room in Melati Utama... so i gonna move soon.. Now still looking for room near LRT and hope you guys will help up....
Love ya all
Thursday, July 20, 2006
List of Racial Discrimination in Malaysia
List of Racial Discriminations in Malaysia, practiced by Gov't as well as Gov't agencies.
This list is an open secret. Best verified by Gov't itself because it got the statistics. This list is not in the order of importance,. that means the first one on the list is not the most important and the last one on the list does not mean least important. This list is a common knowledge to a lot of Malaysians, especially those Non-Malays (Tamils, Chinese, Ibans, Kadazans, orang asli, Christians, etc) who were being racially discriminated. Figures in this list are estimates only and please take it as a guide only. Gov't of Malaysia has the most correct figures. Is Gov't of Malaysia too ashamed to publish their racist acts by publishing racial statistics? This list cover a period of about 47 years since Independence (1957). List of racial discriminations (Malaysia ):
50 road names (at least) had been change from Chinese names to other names.
10 all public universities Vice chancellors are Malays
99% of 2000 Petronas gasoline stations are owned by Malays
99% of Petronas directors are Malays
2% is what Chinese New Village get compare with 98% of what Malays kampongs (villages) got for rural development budget.
1000 While a Chinese parent with RM1000 salary (monthly) cannot get school-text- book-loan, a Malay parents with RM2000 salary is eligible.
5% of all new intake for gov't nurses, police, army is Non-Malays.
2.5% is Gov't budget for Chinese primary schools. Tamil school got only 1%, Malay school got 96.5%
15% Discount for a Malay to buy a house, regardless whether the Malay is rich or poor.
5% The gov't universities lecturers of Non-Malay origins had been reduced from about 70% in 1965 to only 5% in 2004
2% is the percentage of Non-Malays gov't servants in Putrajaya (the new gov't administrative capital).. But Malays make up. 98%
7% is the percentage of Chinese gov't servants in the whole gov't (in 2004), drop from 30% in 1960
2% is the present Chinese staff in RMAF (Royal Malaysian Air Force), drop from 40% in 1960
0 of the gov't TV stations (TV1 , TV2, TV3) are directors of Non-Malays origin
2 million Malaysian Chinese had emigrated oversea since 40 years ago.
0.5 million Tamils Malaysians emigrated oversea 3
million Indonesians had migrated into Malaysia and became Malaysian citizens with Bumiputra status.
0 Non-bumi are allowed to get shop lots in the new Muar bus station (Nov 2004)
1 Out of all the 5 major banks, only one bank is multi-racial, The rest are controlled by Malays.
10% Place for Non-Bumi students for MARA science schools beginning from year 2003, But, only 7% are filled. Before that it was 100% Malays.
1 Catholic church in Shah Alam took 20 years to apply to be constructed. but told by Malay authority that it must look like a factory and not look like a church. Still not yet approved in 2004.
10 times, at least, Malays (especially UMNO) had threatened to massacre the Chinese Malaysians using May 13 since 1969
50 cases whereby Chinese and Indian Malaysians are beaten up in the Khidmat Negara (National Service) program in 2003.
8000 B is the total amount (RM 8000 Billion Rnggit) the Gov't channeled to Malays pockets through ASN, ASB, Tabung Haji, privatisation of Gov't agencies, MARA, etc through NEP over 34 years period.
25% is Chinese population in 2004, drop from 45% in 1957
20 reported cases whereby Malay ambulance attendance treated Chinese patients inhumanely and Malay Gov't hospital staffs purposely delay attending to Chinese patients in 2003. Unreported cases may be 200.
600,000 are the Tamil and Chinese Malaysians with red IC and was rejected repeatedly when applying for citizenship for 40 years. Perhaps 60 % of them had already passed away due to old age. This shows racism of how easily Indonesians got their citizenship compare with the Chinese and Indians.
95% of Gov't contracts are given to Malays.
3 only 3 out of 12 Human Rights items are ratified by Malaysia Gov't since 1960
0 Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (UN Human Rights) is not ratified by Malaysia Gov't. since 1960s
5% Only 5% is given to Non-Malays for Gov't scholarships over 40 years.
0 Chinese or Tamils were sent to Japan & Korea under "Look East Policy".
100% All business licensees are controlled by Malay gov't e.g. Taxi permits, AP permit etc.
2 Chinese taxi drivers were barred from driving in JB Larkin bus station. There are about 30 taxi drivers and 3 are Chinese in Oct 2004. Spoiling taxi club properties was the reason given.
80% of the Chinese rice millers in Kedah had to be sold to Malay controlled Bernas in 1980s. Otherwise, life is make difficult for Chinese rice millers.
10 At least 10 Chinese owned bus companies (throughout Malaysia, throughout
40 years) had to be sold to MARA or other Malay transport companies due to rejection by Malay authority to Chinese application for bus routes and rejection for their application for new buses.
1 Dewan Gan Boon Leong (in Malacca) was altered to other name (e.g. Dewan Serbaguna or sort ) when it was being officially used for a few days. Gov't try to shun Chinese names. This racism happened in around year 2000 or sort.
100% All contractors working under Petronas projects must be Bumiputra status. 3% of Petronas employees are Chinese.
30 gov't produced TV dramas and film always showed that the bad guys had Chinese face and the good guys had Malay face. You can check it out since 1970s. Recent years, this tendency become less.
100 big companies set up, managed and owned by Chinese Malaysians were taken over / bought over by gov't / Malays and later managed by Malays since 1970s e.g. UMBC, MISC, UTC, etc
100 constituencies (states and parliaments) had been racistly re-delineated so that Chinese voters were diluted so that Chinese candidates particularly DAP candidates lost in election since 1970s.
20 constituencies won by DAP would not get funds from gov't to develop. Or, these Chinese majority constituencies would be the last to be developed.
0 temples / churches were built for each Taman (housing estates). But, every Taman got at least one mosque / surau built. 3000 mosques / surau were built in all Taman throughout Malaysia since 1970. No temples, no churches are required to be built in Taman .
2637 Malay primary schools built since 1968 - 2000
48 Chinese primary schools closed. down since 1968 - 2000 144
Tamil primary schools closed down since 1968 - 2000
128 STPM Chinese top students could not get into the course that they aspired i.e.Medicine (in 2004)
1 publishing of Bible in Iban language banned (in 2002?)
20 cases every year whereby Chinese drivers who accidentally knocked down Malays were seriously assaulted or killed by Malays.
50 cases each year whereby Chinese, especially Chinese youths being beaten up by Malay youths in public places. We may check at police reports provided the police took the report, otherwise, there will be no record.
7% is the present (2004) Malaysian Indians population, a drop from 12% in 1957
0 percent of Non-Malays staffs is legally required in Malay companies. But there must be 30 % Malays staffs in Chinese companies.
12% Is what ASN / ASB got per annum while banks' fixed deposit is only about
3.5% per annum. There are hundreds more racial discriminations in Malaysia to add to this list of "colossal" racism. It is hoped that the victims of racism will write in to expose racism. Malaysian Government should publish statistics showing how much Malays had benefited from the "special rights" of Malays and at the same time tell the statistics of how much other minority races are being discriminated. Hence, the responsibility lies in the Malaysian gov't itself to publish unadulterated statistics of racial discrimination. If the Malaysia gov't hide the statistics above, then there must be some evil doings, immoral doings, sinful doings and shameful doings, like the Nazi, going on onto the Non-Malays of Malaysia. Civilized nation, unlike evil Nazi, must publish statistics to show its treatment on its minority races, This is what Malaysia must publish...We are asking for the publication of the statistics showing how "implementation of special rights of Malays" had inflicted colossal racial discrimination onto Non-Malays
This list is an open secret. Best verified by Gov't itself because it got the statistics. This list is not in the order of importance,. that means the first one on the list is not the most important and the last one on the list does not mean least important. This list is a common knowledge to a lot of Malaysians, especially those Non-Malays (Tamils, Chinese, Ibans, Kadazans, orang asli, Christians, etc) who were being racially discriminated. Figures in this list are estimates only and please take it as a guide only. Gov't of Malaysia has the most correct figures. Is Gov't of Malaysia too ashamed to publish their racist acts by publishing racial statistics? This list cover a period of about 47 years since Independence (1957). List of racial discriminations (Malaysia ):
50 road names (at least) had been change from Chinese names to other names.
10 all public universities Vice chancellors are Malays
99% of 2000 Petronas gasoline stations are owned by Malays
99% of Petronas directors are Malays
2% is what Chinese New Village get compare with 98% of what Malays kampongs (villages) got for rural development budget.
1000 While a Chinese parent with RM1000 salary (monthly) cannot get school-text- book-loan, a Malay parents with RM2000 salary is eligible.
5% of all new intake for gov't nurses, police, army is Non-Malays.
2.5% is Gov't budget for Chinese primary schools. Tamil school got only 1%, Malay school got 96.5%
15% Discount for a Malay to buy a house, regardless whether the Malay is rich or poor.
5% The gov't universities lecturers of Non-Malay origins had been reduced from about 70% in 1965 to only 5% in 2004
2% is the percentage of Non-Malays gov't servants in Putrajaya (the new gov't administrative capital).. But Malays make up. 98%
7% is the percentage of Chinese gov't servants in the whole gov't (in 2004), drop from 30% in 1960
2% is the present Chinese staff in RMAF (Royal Malaysian Air Force), drop from 40% in 1960
0 of the gov't TV stations (TV1 , TV2, TV3) are directors of Non-Malays origin
2 million Malaysian Chinese had emigrated oversea since 40 years ago.
0.5 million Tamils Malaysians emigrated oversea 3
million Indonesians had migrated into Malaysia and became Malaysian citizens with Bumiputra status.
0 Non-bumi are allowed to get shop lots in the new Muar bus station (Nov 2004)
1 Out of all the 5 major banks, only one bank is multi-racial, The rest are controlled by Malays.
10% Place for Non-Bumi students for MARA science schools beginning from year 2003, But, only 7% are filled. Before that it was 100% Malays.
1 Catholic church in Shah Alam took 20 years to apply to be constructed. but told by Malay authority that it must look like a factory and not look like a church. Still not yet approved in 2004.
10 times, at least, Malays (especially UMNO) had threatened to massacre the Chinese Malaysians using May 13 since 1969
50 cases whereby Chinese and Indian Malaysians are beaten up in the Khidmat Negara (National Service) program in 2003.
8000 B is the total amount (RM 8000 Billion Rnggit) the Gov't channeled to Malays pockets through ASN, ASB, Tabung Haji, privatisation of Gov't agencies, MARA, etc through NEP over 34 years period.
25% is Chinese population in 2004, drop from 45% in 1957
20 reported cases whereby Malay ambulance attendance treated Chinese patients inhumanely and Malay Gov't hospital staffs purposely delay attending to Chinese patients in 2003. Unreported cases may be 200.
600,000 are the Tamil and Chinese Malaysians with red IC and was rejected repeatedly when applying for citizenship for 40 years. Perhaps 60 % of them had already passed away due to old age. This shows racism of how easily Indonesians got their citizenship compare with the Chinese and Indians.
95% of Gov't contracts are given to Malays.
3 only 3 out of 12 Human Rights items are ratified by Malaysia Gov't since 1960
0 Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (UN Human Rights) is not ratified by Malaysia Gov't. since 1960s
5% Only 5% is given to Non-Malays for Gov't scholarships over 40 years.
0 Chinese or Tamils were sent to Japan & Korea under "Look East Policy".
100% All business licensees are controlled by Malay gov't e.g. Taxi permits, AP permit etc.
2 Chinese taxi drivers were barred from driving in JB Larkin bus station. There are about 30 taxi drivers and 3 are Chinese in Oct 2004. Spoiling taxi club properties was the reason given.
80% of the Chinese rice millers in Kedah had to be sold to Malay controlled Bernas in 1980s. Otherwise, life is make difficult for Chinese rice millers.
10 At least 10 Chinese owned bus companies (throughout Malaysia, throughout
40 years) had to be sold to MARA or other Malay transport companies due to rejection by Malay authority to Chinese application for bus routes and rejection for their application for new buses.
1 Dewan Gan Boon Leong (in Malacca) was altered to other name (e.g. Dewan Serbaguna or sort ) when it was being officially used for a few days. Gov't try to shun Chinese names. This racism happened in around year 2000 or sort.
100% All contractors working under Petronas projects must be Bumiputra status. 3% of Petronas employees are Chinese.
30 gov't produced TV dramas and film always showed that the bad guys had Chinese face and the good guys had Malay face. You can check it out since 1970s. Recent years, this tendency become less.
100 big companies set up, managed and owned by Chinese Malaysians were taken over / bought over by gov't / Malays and later managed by Malays since 1970s e.g. UMBC, MISC, UTC, etc
100 constituencies (states and parliaments) had been racistly re-delineated so that Chinese voters were diluted so that Chinese candidates particularly DAP candidates lost in election since 1970s.
20 constituencies won by DAP would not get funds from gov't to develop. Or, these Chinese majority constituencies would be the last to be developed.
0 temples / churches were built for each Taman (housing estates). But, every Taman got at least one mosque / surau built. 3000 mosques / surau were built in all Taman throughout Malaysia since 1970. No temples, no churches are required to be built in Taman .
2637 Malay primary schools built since 1968 - 2000
48 Chinese primary schools closed. down since 1968 - 2000 144
Tamil primary schools closed down since 1968 - 2000
128 STPM Chinese top students could not get into the course that they aspired i.e.Medicine (in 2004)
1 publishing of Bible in Iban language banned (in 2002?)
20 cases every year whereby Chinese drivers who accidentally knocked down Malays were seriously assaulted or killed by Malays.
50 cases each year whereby Chinese, especially Chinese youths being beaten up by Malay youths in public places. We may check at police reports provided the police took the report, otherwise, there will be no record.
7% is the present (2004) Malaysian Indians population, a drop from 12% in 1957
0 percent of Non-Malays staffs is legally required in Malay companies. But there must be 30 % Malays staffs in Chinese companies.
12% Is what ASN / ASB got per annum while banks' fixed deposit is only about
3.5% per annum. There are hundreds more racial discriminations in Malaysia to add to this list of "colossal" racism. It is hoped that the victims of racism will write in to expose racism. Malaysian Government should publish statistics showing how much Malays had benefited from the "special rights" of Malays and at the same time tell the statistics of how much other minority races are being discriminated. Hence, the responsibility lies in the Malaysian gov't itself to publish unadulterated statistics of racial discrimination. If the Malaysia gov't hide the statistics above, then there must be some evil doings, immoral doings, sinful doings and shameful doings, like the Nazi, going on onto the Non-Malays of Malaysia. Civilized nation, unlike evil Nazi, must publish statistics to show its treatment on its minority races, This is what Malaysia must publish...We are asking for the publication of the statistics showing how "implementation of special rights of Malays" had inflicted colossal racial discrimination onto Non-Malays
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Just My Luck
Yesterday Night I go to watch movie with my friend Kent and Su Hui(Veron)... The movie is Just My Luck.. a very funny movie starring my favourite star.. lindsay lohan.. I like her becos she is successful.. and younger than me of course she is a beauty....
After I work, I meet up Kent and Veron and have dinner in Secret Recipe in Times Square..
Then we get ticket and bought popcorn and drinks... and enjoy the movie.. hehe.. The movie was good... after the movie we go to Wangsa Maju to have supper in BRJ... where i learn a new kind of food... Roti Goreng which is Fried Pan Cake.. nice.. Before we reach there.. the road was jam for a while... what the hell happening? what time is it then? midnight? why jam...
Well I enjoyed the movie as well as enjoyed my friend accompany.. haha
The End
After I work, I meet up Kent and Veron and have dinner in Secret Recipe in Times Square..
Then we get ticket and bought popcorn and drinks... and enjoy the movie.. hehe.. The movie was good... after the movie we go to Wangsa Maju to have supper in BRJ... where i learn a new kind of food... Roti Goreng which is Fried Pan Cake.. nice.. Before we reach there.. the road was jam for a while... what the hell happening? what time is it then? midnight? why jam...
Well I enjoyed the movie as well as enjoyed my friend accompany.. haha
The End
Shameless Filthy Banana boy
Why do ppl now so shameless 1???
Read this:
me and ur dear just have the chemistry, that is why we chat emailed each other in XXXXXX. If you feel jealous, there is nothing i can do. coz, me and dear are friends.
this is an e-mail i get...from a filthy rich kid from USA who is a Malaysian...
Welll.. what i know is... he say he wanna write letter to my baby and private 1... And say want to join into our relationship.. how disgusting... ewww
Why do I need to be jealous? He is my baby and he is what? A ugly guy who try to take my baby away from me.. do you think it will be done?
Why lately so many ppl wanna do this 1??? not onli him there are a few more ... haha...
I hope i have more fate on this.. haha.. dunno what will happen de la...
Read this:
me and ur dear just have the chemistry, that is why we chat emailed each other in XXXXXX. If you feel jealous, there is nothing i can do. coz, me and dear are friends.
this is an e-mail i get...from a filthy rich kid from USA who is a Malaysian...
Welll.. what i know is... he say he wanna write letter to my baby and private 1... And say want to join into our relationship.. how disgusting... ewww
Why do I need to be jealous? He is my baby and he is what? A ugly guy who try to take my baby away from me.. do you think it will be done?
Why lately so many ppl wanna do this 1??? not onli him there are a few more ... haha...
I hope i have more fate on this.. haha.. dunno what will happen de la...
Friday, July 14, 2006
Tomorrow is the deadline for me to do the propose on how to sell my company product in the MEGA SALE's season... kindda have a headache.. The pay is not enough.. is hardly just enough for my monthly expenses... Room Rental RM300 + Transport RM130++ + Food RM450+-
around RM880 in total how about monthly entertainment and other expenses... left me negative saving... i still have to use my money out of my own saving which almost left nothing by now... Feeling like being rip off... The monthly salary pay + OT - EPF- SOCSO - expenses left me negative income... is not enough.. why is living in Malaysia so so so expensive???? WHY WHY WHY?? That make me so stress out.. How do ppl in Malaysia especially in KL survived???
Really.... What do ppl in Malaysia work for? money? time? fun? Now.. I work for MONEY but no money,, and because i work so i dun have TIME for myself to have FUN.... Why couldnt this 3 exist together??
around RM880 in total how about monthly entertainment and other expenses... left me negative saving... i still have to use my money out of my own saving which almost left nothing by now... Feeling like being rip off... The monthly salary pay + OT - EPF- SOCSO - expenses left me negative income... is not enough.. why is living in Malaysia so so so expensive???? WHY WHY WHY?? That make me so stress out.. How do ppl in Malaysia especially in KL survived???
Really.... What do ppl in Malaysia work for? money? time? fun? Now.. I work for MONEY but no money,, and because i work so i dun have TIME for myself to have FUN.... Why couldnt this 3 exist together??
Reading Kero's blog
Feeling lyk weird after reading his blog.. suddenly.. no sign of either colin and kero is blogging in their colinandkero blog so i check out colin's personal blog and also kero's.. seem getting a little weird.. colin's blog is still the same.. no new post.. kero's.. yeap.. heaps... just I think he is a little too aggressive and impolite... I know his financial crisis.. is driving him nut.. but still ... me is the same on the other hand..
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Promises vs Something we have said
Lately bad thing happening rapidly.. quarrel become part of my timetable.... Thing changed.. because of what? other ppl? there is someone in the middle of this relationship? or many many ppl are trying to destroy the relatioship? or just plain our own problem..
I think.. ppl should always loosen up a little about promise... and know the meaning of promise.. and to seperate thing we have said and thing we promise....
Things we have said : Is different to what we promised.. Situation will change from time to time.. thing we have said have a valid of time due to the situation changed...
Things we promised : Is a declaration assuring that one will or will not do something or it is a vow..
Do you think that when one say something and it have to be done.. ??? When someone said something to you and you expect it will become true and won't change no matter what situation.. When a thing is said.. It is not a promise... that is what i think.. If you want to make a big deal out of what someone said.. think about his or her situation.. and if this a a relationship.. think about what he have give up for this relationship.. Dun you guys just understand??? if you just plain not satisfied what you have now.. and ask ask for more???
There is many obstruction in a relationship.. i know.. so we have to do our best to try to not let this effect the relationship... or else the relationship wont last long..
Think about what you sacrifice for the relationship and think about his/her sacrification..If you think you put a lot in the relationship and so do your partner... why do you try so hard to destroy them?? Is that what you want??? Do something to save your relationship..
Don't give up so easily... So will i.... and how you guys will too!!! And what happen if u tried ur best? Let spill it out and be very good friend and not just keep quiet and give up and hate each other or lie to each other feeling until others found out and make them hate you!
Try to save your relationship....
to all those who have partner/ boyfriend / girlfriend / married
I think.. ppl should always loosen up a little about promise... and know the meaning of promise.. and to seperate thing we have said and thing we promise....
Things we have said : Is different to what we promised.. Situation will change from time to time.. thing we have said have a valid of time due to the situation changed...
Things we promised : Is a declaration assuring that one will or will not do something or it is a vow..
Do you think that when one say something and it have to be done.. ??? When someone said something to you and you expect it will become true and won't change no matter what situation.. When a thing is said.. It is not a promise... that is what i think.. If you want to make a big deal out of what someone said.. think about his or her situation.. and if this a a relationship.. think about what he have give up for this relationship.. Dun you guys just understand??? if you just plain not satisfied what you have now.. and ask ask for more???
There is many obstruction in a relationship.. i know.. so we have to do our best to try to not let this effect the relationship... or else the relationship wont last long..
Think about what you sacrifice for the relationship and think about his/her sacrification..If you think you put a lot in the relationship and so do your partner... why do you try so hard to destroy them?? Is that what you want??? Do something to save your relationship..
Don't give up so easily... So will i.... and how you guys will too!!! And what happen if u tried ur best? Let spill it out and be very good friend and not just keep quiet and give up and hate each other or lie to each other feeling until others found out and make them hate you!
Try to save your relationship....
to all those who have partner/ boyfriend / girlfriend / married
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
9 July 2006 "Day with friends"
This blog is suppose to be here.. 2 days ago until... someone accidentally turned off my computer when i was composing the blog... (bad boy...)...
8 July.. today was my friend Winson's Birthday... He invited me to a sort of get together kind of birthday party.. in Blue Dragon in Cheras... so We come to a topic that we havent been doing thing together for a while... so We decide to do something on Sunday... I give many idea of what to do on sunday such as.. go to port dickson... go to cameron highland.. but the conclusion is.. go to KTV... hahaha.. We decided to go to Tai Tung Restaurant for Dim sum in the morning and then go to KTV...
On 9 July... Lawrence call to tell me that Winson call and tell him that he couldnt make it to go to Tai Tung for Dim Sum.. but he will make it to KTV.. (haiz..)
Anyway.. Me, Carlson and Lawrence decided to go to have Dim Sum at somewhere else instead... so we go to Crystal Jade in Lot 10.. Their ShangHai siu long bao is superb.. and also their Ramen ( Noodle)...

This is me in Crystal Jade

what the Hell.. why take my photo??

Lawrence and Carlson in Crystal Jade
After that we go to Red Box KTV.... And we ask for room for 5... so they give me room 48.... we get Rm50 discount because I have the voucher.. haha... After like 1 or 2 hour Winson and Eric... arrived eventually.. we sing till 5pm.. then we just go walk walk in Lot 10 and Starhill...

Me and Carlson
Winson and Eric decided that they have to go around 7pm so.. We go back to Times Square.. Say good bye to Eric and Winson..
There we are.. only me carlson and Lawrence left here... we go for mc donald and take heaps of photo actually.. but the photo is not resized yet...
Well, we took some funny photo in Berjaya Times Square.....

I tried to pose like the model

I tried to open the model's bra
Then we walk a while and hit home.. what a enjoyable day....
8 July.. today was my friend Winson's Birthday... He invited me to a sort of get together kind of birthday party.. in Blue Dragon in Cheras... so We come to a topic that we havent been doing thing together for a while... so We decide to do something on Sunday... I give many idea of what to do on sunday such as.. go to port dickson... go to cameron highland.. but the conclusion is.. go to KTV... hahaha.. We decided to go to Tai Tung Restaurant for Dim sum in the morning and then go to KTV...
On 9 July... Lawrence call to tell me that Winson call and tell him that he couldnt make it to go to Tai Tung for Dim Sum.. but he will make it to KTV.. (haiz..)
Anyway.. Me, Carlson and Lawrence decided to go to have Dim Sum at somewhere else instead... so we go to Crystal Jade in Lot 10.. Their ShangHai siu long bao is superb.. and also their Ramen ( Noodle)...

This is me in Crystal Jade

what the Hell.. why take my photo??

Lawrence and Carlson in Crystal Jade
After that we go to Red Box KTV.... And we ask for room for 5... so they give me room 48.... we get Rm50 discount because I have the voucher.. haha... After like 1 or 2 hour Winson and Eric... arrived eventually.. we sing till 5pm.. then we just go walk walk in Lot 10 and Starhill...

Me and Carlson
Winson and Eric decided that they have to go around 7pm so.. We go back to Times Square.. Say good bye to Eric and Winson..
There we are.. only me carlson and Lawrence left here... we go for mc donald and take heaps of photo actually.. but the photo is not resized yet...
Well, we took some funny photo in Berjaya Times Square.....

I tried to pose like the model

I tried to open the model's bra
Then we walk a while and hit home.. what a enjoyable day....
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
The Busy, The Weight Gaining, The Stress and The Dull
Life is what? should it be boring? should it be busy, should one be stress because of work, love life, friends, weight gaining or "there is a pimple on my F**king face!!" when u look urself in the mirror in the morning or "why is the traffic always jam!!" or " Late to work lo" why this why dat.... Why? Why? Why?
So what should a perfect life like? Fun fun fun... of course.. no stress in any source.. Have the F**king best life in the country of your choice... dun know what you think about Malaysia.. but Malaysia is definitely not in my list.... Europe is great.. New Zealand Australia is peace and nice.. Singapore is a "fine" city but much better than Malaysia....
What do u think??
So what should a perfect life like? Fun fun fun... of course.. no stress in any source.. Have the F**king best life in the country of your choice... dun know what you think about Malaysia.. but Malaysia is definitely not in my list.... Europe is great.. New Zealand Australia is peace and nice.. Singapore is a "fine" city but much better than Malaysia....
What do u think??
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Another kind of wannabe fame
Is just another day ppl queue up and wait for their turn to see if they have the future model face.. the "I wanna be model" audition is still on today and there are still so many ppl... There are many ppl going for the audition and also there are so many ppl critising...(some are my customer).. haiz... what they say? "wow, so many ppl are keen to be famous and they dun really know how they look like", "some of them are so short( fat, thin etc), how can be model".
Honestly, what the qualification to be a model? a good looking face with a great body and with attitute?? what about personalities?..Yeah he/she got very good looking face, he/she got nice body, and also he/she have the attitute... how about let say .. he/she have bad bad personalities..and too proud..
I have a so called "friend". he is ok looking..body, i could say slim. well.. personalities? i would say he have 2 face.. when u know him you never know when he gonna backstab you.. he could tell you somebody thing to you and turn around talking bad about you to others.. .. thought everyone will fall in love with him and let him play around with their feeling..
Sometime is quite hard when this kind of ppl is your boy or girlfriend's best friend.. cos this guy backstab u and do u expect you will still like mentioning this guy and your another half to be close to him?? you never know when he gonna steal ur lover away... by the way.. he got the record of stealing someone else lover...
so lately i have this problem... dunno what to do..
Honestly, what the qualification to be a model? a good looking face with a great body and with attitute?? what about personalities?..Yeah he/she got very good looking face, he/she got nice body, and also he/she have the attitute... how about let say .. he/she have bad bad personalities..and too proud..
I have a so called "friend". he is ok looking..body, i could say slim. well.. personalities? i would say he have 2 face.. when u know him you never know when he gonna backstab you.. he could tell you somebody thing to you and turn around talking bad about you to others.. .. thought everyone will fall in love with him and let him play around with their feeling..
Sometime is quite hard when this kind of ppl is your boy or girlfriend's best friend.. cos this guy backstab u and do u expect you will still like mentioning this guy and your another half to be close to him?? you never know when he gonna steal ur lover away... by the way.. he got the record of stealing someone else lover...
so lately i have this problem... dunno what to do..
Saturday, July 01, 2006
"I wanna be model" audition in Times Square
See.. today i have to start work at 10am but a friend of mine come and fetch me to work by 9am... =.= .. well anyway.. we had breaky at Uncle Lim's then I run up to work.. the I saw the " I wanna be model "audition by 8tv... is only 10am... but there are already many ppl.... I can see so many ppl.... got weird 1 nice 1 tall 1 short 1 etc etc.. today gonna be busy around here.. haha... later this day is nothing really.. friends come to visit me since many of them come for the audition.. later this day is a very emotional time.. I was out for dinner with a friend who we talk about many thing and start talking about the very emotional stuff... until i go to grab some alcohol.. and let myself be drunk.. ya.. i got.. my dinner was a waste... hehe
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